Saturday, March 20, 2010

I am your average Canadian who sometimes wonders where common sense has gone. When is it excusable to for a 15, 16, 17 and sometimes younger minor kill someone and get a slap on the wrist? Our justice system is now set up (since 1983) to gives kids (YOA) a license to do whatever illegal activity is the flavour of the day and then in return they get a slap on the wrist and a clean record at 18. There is much debate about the YOA, but I ask this, if a 16 year old is capable or driving, knowing what is right (stopping at a stop sign) and wrong (going through a red light) why is it argued in a court of law that they do not know right from wrong when it comes to assault, grand theft or murder? Bleeding heart liberals!

When did it become ok to blame everyone else (mother, father, teacher, sister, environment etc)for your own stupid actions and receive a lenient sentence because of your upbringing, mental disorder, not criminally responsible? Really?!?! We all have choices, therefore, when YOU make a choice YOU face with the consequences, like it or not! I am sure I am not alone in this. I do not profess to have a Masters or Ph.D in psychology, a law or political science degree, but I do understand right from wrong, as do most people and I fully understand about making choices and taking RESPONSIBILITY for those choices.

When did it become ok to kill someone (gun, knife, and vehicle) while the victim’s family continues to suffer while the alleged killer is treated with kid gloves in court and in the prison system? Case in point the man (I use this term lightly) who killed a family with his cement truck! He lawyer wanted us to feel bad for him because it was so hard on HIM! PLEASE! He deserves no sympathy and should be treated like the criminal he is! He is a self centered, egotistacal loser with no regard for anyone else but himself. Perhaps prison life will treat him the way he should be treated. When did it become ok to kill at 16 and 17 or younger, and your record is sealed? When did it become ok to invade the privacy of people for the “money shot”, disregarding the safety of anyone while using a high powered lense that takes crystal clear shots from blocks away? When did it become ok to come into Canada and continue your illegal activity (drugs, murder, prostitution, pick your poison) while the upstanding citizens are left to pick up your mess? Why aren't these people deported or better yet, why are they allowed into our country!
Canada is the country I was blessed to be born into and I am damn proud of the fact I am Canadian. However what I am not proud of is the way our government and justice system is destroying our nation. Our government welcomes immigrants into our county as they are what help make Canada what it is, multicultural, which is completely acceptable. However, I question why our government allows immigrants in who have a criminal records in their country or keep immigrants here who continue their violence in Canada, putting law abiding Canadians at risk. Why do we protect these criminals? How many tax payers really want to pay to keep these low lives in our country?

Do you every feel powerless to do anything as you watch our country fall to pieces, brick by brick? I know I do. There are days after reading the paper that I say, if I were Queen . . . So, for this blog I will be Queen and I will make decisions how I want the world to be. It will be the Queens law and the Queen is NOT a bleeding heart liberal. It is a tongue in cheek look at some very real and very serious issues plaguing Canada. I welcome your feedback and rhetoric! We all have opinions and I want to hear all of them hear. Who knows we all may learn something or we all may be able to make changes! I will respond to all comments and I will provide you with the thoughts of the queen!

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